Only Ramadan experience of the day | World HOT angle - JICA

New moon can not see I decide to see efforts Ramadan in ... [What you do not do fast? ] And was this asked a colleague of Ramadan (fasting) well-Muslims during the period (Muslim). And it is invited to the fasting. I start from [Maybe tomorrow determined! ] And it was answered with a smile. I Tamale of northern Ghana to activities there is a mosque in everywhere, there are many people of Muslim. In such Tamale, the timing of the harsh Ramadan began from month to people of Muslim. During this period, during the period from sunrise to sunset, eating and drinking should be prohibited. It occurred in the morning at half past around, day take drinks and food to the larger amount before the rise. And the day while it has come without eating and drinking, day to eat, drink and doing so at the time of the sinking evening. This Yakuka month, it has continued every day. I'm that had refused to appropriate the invitation of fasting from co-workers, but only day of Ramadan last day, I tried to fasting. However, a complete fasting is too harsh to me, only bottled water this've taken.
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